IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
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IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M5615 tester is a 16 Socket Bench top Production and Engineering Tester that supports USB 3.0 Super Speed and USB 2.0 High Speed devices. The tester comes with a built-in PC running a full Linux operating systeam that tests and copies any USB storage device including USB Hard Drives at super speeds.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M6600 is an 8 to 32 slot professional Compact Flash Duplicator that duplicates CF cards and PCMCIA flash cards with a speed of upto 48GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication. Offering the abilty to verify bit for bit and providing a checksum of your data this system is provides accurate copies every time.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Industrial Compact Flash Tester.
The M7100 is a 4 to 64 socket bench top Production Tester for Compact Flash (CF) Memory Cards. The Tester fulfills all test requirements that are needed in a production or quality assurance environment.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Low cost SD Duplicator.
The M5116-SD duplication system is a fast SD Duplicator supporting all SD formats. The duplicator runs stand-alone, so there is no separate PC or software required.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M6550 is an 8-16 slot professional SD card duplicator that duplicates SD, MiniSD, and MicroSD with a speed of up to 6GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Industrial Compact Flash Tester
The M7100 is a 4 to 64 socket bench top Production Tester for Compact Flash (CF) Memory Cards. The Tester fulfills all test requirements that are needed in a production or quality assurance environment.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
8 to 16 socket Engineering Tester for Flash devices including: IDE, ATA, SSD’s, Compact Flash (CF) Memory Cards, SD Cards, and Linear Flash Cards.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Low cost Micro SD Duplicator.
The M6550 is a 16 slot professional MicroSD flash card duplicator that duplicates all MicroSD cards with a speed of up to 6GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication. Offering the ability to verify bit for bit and providing a checksum of your data this system is provides accurate copies every time.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Professional Micro SD Duplicator (Built in PC)
The M6650-uSD is a 16 to 64 slot professional Micro SD Duplicator that duplicates all Micro SD (uSD) devices with a speed of upto 6GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
M3100 SATA & SAS High Speed Duplicator
The M3100 is a full featured production Duplicator for HDD’s and SSD’s which copies up to 8 drives simultaneously. Designed for mass duplication of Solid state drives and traditional moving media Hard Drive Disks.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
M3200 SATA & SAS Duplicator.
The IMI M3200 is a modular SATA/SAS Production Duplicator capable of copying up to 15 devices at a time. Supported form factors include 3.5”, 2.5", 1.8", MO-297, MO-300 and custom SSD form factors.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
M3300 SATA & SAS SSD Production Tester.
The IMI M3300 is a modular SATA / SAS production tester that can test up to 32 devices simultaneously.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
M3302 SATA & SAS SSD Engineering Tester
The IMI M3302 is a SATA/SAS Engineering Tester capable of testing up to 4 devices at a time. Supported form factors include 3.5”, 2.5", 1.8", MO-297 & MO-300 SSD's using SATA 1.5GB/sec, SATA 3 GB/sec, SATA 6 GB/sec single channel interfaces and SAS (6GB/sec) one and two channel interfaces.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
4 socket Engineering Tester for CFast™ cards.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M5208 is a Super Fast Duplicator supporting USB 3.0 Super Speed and USB 2.0 High Speed devices with copy speeds up to 6GB/min and ideal for duping USB hard drives at super speeds.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M3100 is an industrial duplicator with up to 8 slots for CFAST ™ cards.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
(Available in 16 and 32 slot models)
The M5100 duplication system is a fast Duplicator supporting USB 3.0 Super Speed and USB 2.0 High Speed devices. The duplicator runs completely stand-alone, so there is no separate PC or software required.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
(Available in 8, 16, 32 slot models)
The M5100-PR is a professional USB Duplicator supporting USB 3.0 Super Speed and USB 2.0 High Speed devices. The duplicator runs both stand-alone as well as using a professional GUI by connecting the M5116-PR to a monitor, keyboard & mouse.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M5315 duplication system is the fastest USB Duplicator available that supports USB 3.0 Super Speed and USB 2.0 High Speed devices. The duplicator comes with a built-in PC running a full Linux operating system that tests and copies any USB storage device including USB Hard Drives at super speeds.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
Low cost CF Duplicator.
The M6500 is an 8 slot professional Compact Flash duplicator that duplicates CF cards and PCMCIA flash cards with a speed of up to 12GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication.
IMI International Microsystems Incooperated
The M6650 is a 16 to 64 slot professional SD Flash Duplicator that duplicates SD, MiniSD, and MicroSD with a speed of up to 6GB per minute and is ideal for simple mass duplication. Offering the abilty to verify bit for bit and providing a checksum of your data this system provides accurate copies every time.