CFast™ Engineering Tester
The M3302 is a portable Bench Top Tester for CFastTM cards. The M3302 can test up to 4 devices at a time and is ideal for Engineering & Quality Assurance testing of CFastTM cards.
CFast™ Testing Functions:
- Fast parallel tester executing tests which are made using a powerful yet easily understood GUI
- Test scripts can be stored either in the internal HDD of the M3302 or on a connected network server
- VCC margin testing
- ICC measurement
- ICC Max Limit Set
- Test Card Detect I/O Pins (CDI, CDO)
- Test LED Output Pins (LED1, LED2)
- Test CMOS I/O Pins (IO1, IO2, IO3)
- Read/Write Functional testing
- Speed Testing
- Verify ID Drive information
- Duplication Support
The M3302 runs under a full featured Linux operating system with a 17" LCD, PC keyboard, and mouse. Network interface is through 10/100/1000 Ethernet connection.
A complimentary bench top production tester, the M3300 will also be available which can test up to to 32 devicess at a time. The M3302 and the M3300 share identical hardware and software capabilities allowing development and testing of test scripts on the M3302 to be used directly on the M3300 without modification.
M3302 CFAST™ Engineering Tester Features:
Full Linux Operating System |
Parametric Tests - VCC Margining & ICC Measurement |
Functional Tests - Read/Write/Verify |
Read/Write Speed Test |
Standard 500 GB Internal Hard Disk Drive |
GUI Allows Selection, Build and Edit of JOB Functions |
Terminal Console For Inputting Commands |
Supports TCL Scripting |
Duplication From A Master Device or a Binary Image |
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