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Thermo-Retransfer CD / DVD blanks for perfect duplication

Would you like to copy important data for your office or association? Your search has come to an end. We are your trusted partner when it comes to thermal retransfer CD / DVD media and thermal retransfer printers. Just contact our motivated service staff, and let us advise you.

Before deciding on a printer you should definitely consider what the thermal retransfer printer has to do. If you have a lot of data, you should choose a device that meets these requirements. The Thermo-Retransfer CD / DVD blanks are available in a wide variety of capacities. The more files you have, the more space is needed. It is very important here that the storage space is sufficient. If you do not worry about that, it can happen that only half of the data on this Thermo-Retransfer CD / DVD blanks is up. These CD's are then no longer useful.

All Thermo-Retransfer CD / DVD blanks can be duplicated with such a printer. Here, however, the performance of this printer is very important, It is also important to know how much data should be copied in a certain period of time. If you want to print a lot of thermal-retransfer CD / DVD blanks in less time, you should opt for a thermal retransfer printer, which can bring this performance as well. Another option is a thermal retransfer printer which works independently. The selection is very large. Such a printer, the Thermo-Retransfer CD / DVD blank as printed on its own, provides an ideal help, and you have the time for more important work. Many who have already put this device into operation can not think this away anymore. Maybe you will soon call such a printer her own.

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+356 790 51811

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ADR AG Team Belegschaft