ADR Copy-Protection for your intelectual property
The ADR standalone SecuTowers burn DVDs with copy protection. Towers are available with up to 15 drives. The copy protection software is transferred via USB form your PC to the burner. A master DVD is then created and stored on the internal copier hard disk. From there the program can be copied with as many duplicates as required. We strongly recommend to protec your DVD copies. License packages are available on USB stick in sets from 15 up to 100, and will be automatically booked when used. ADR Secu Tower copies are compatible with most commen players in the market.
Standalone DVD duplicator tower with video copy protection and 1 target drive.
Standalone DVD duplicator tower with video copy protection and 3 target drives
With the ADR SecuTower you can easily establish copy-protected Video-DVDs
Standalone DVD duplicator tower with video copy protection and 7 target drives
With the ADR SecuTower you can easily establish copy-protected Video-DVDs
Standalone DVD duplicator tower with video copy protection and 11 target drives.
Standalone DVD duplicator tower with video copy protection and 15 target drives
Create copy protected DVDs with our SECUTOWER DVD copiers
Definition and explanation of DVD copy protection
DVD copy protection refers to methods that prevent DVDs from being copied, duplicated, or played back on some devices.
Most commercial DVDs are restricted with DVD region codes, Content Scramble System (CSS), and other schemes.
Movie DVDs are commonly protected with Analog Protection System (APS), Sony ARccOS Protection, Playlist Obfuscation, and DVD Disc Corruption.
Common DVD copy protection schemes